Product and By-Product Stream for a  100,000,000 Gallon/year Ethanol Production Facility, PER:  
  Second Minute Hour Day Week Month Year %
Corn Rail Cars 0.000329 0.0197 1.2 28.4 199 864 10,370  
(in) Trucks 0.001370 0.0822 4.9 118.4 831 3,601 43,210  
  Bushels 1.1744 70.466 4,228 101,471 712,251 3,086,420 37,037,037  
  Pounds 65.7685 3,946 236,766 5,682,395 39,886,040 172,839,506 2,074,074,074 100.0%
Ethanol Rail Cars 0.000109 0.007 0.4 9.4 66 287 3,448  
(out) Gallons 3.1710 190.259 11,416 273,973 1,923,077 8,333,333 100,000,000  
  Pounds 20.8872 1,253 75,194 1,804,658 12,667,308 54,891,667 658,700,000 -31.8%
DWGS(out) Trucks 0.001107 0.066 4.0 95.7 672 2,910 34,921  
65% H20 Pounds 53.1517 3,189 191,346 4,592,303 32,234,432 139,682,540 1,676,190,476 -80.8%
CO2(out) Pounds 19.0376 1,142.3 68,535 1,644,850 11,545,584 50,030,864 600,370,370 -28.9%
H20(in) Gallons 3.27 196.3 11,780 282,710 1,984,409 8,599,107 103,189,280  
  Pounds 27.31 1,638.5 98,309 2,359,416 16,561,284 71,765,564 861,186,772 41.5%
Below Values used in calculations above     Properties of:      
Pounds per Bushel of Corn 56 Ethanol   Water    
gallons/bu of Corn Conversion Used in calculations 2.7 0.7893 Density* 1.00 Mass per unit volume
Days of Production per Year 365 49.276 Wt-lbs/cu.ft. 62.43  
Tons per Truck-Incoming Corn & Outgoing DWGS 24 6.587 Wt-lbs/gallon 8.3457  
Tons per Rail Car-Incoming Corn 100 C2H6O Formula H2O  
Tons of Ethanol per Rail Car = 29000 Gallons per Rail Car 95.51 76,000 BTU's/gallon Heat Energy   
Pounds of DDGS (dry basis) yield per bushel of corn 15.84    
Pounds of CO2 yield per Bushel of Corn (.1234 pcf @ 32°F, 1atm.*) 16.21   *Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 43rd Edition